Divorce Around the Holidays: The Best Time and Much More

When you are contemplating divorce, sometimes timing is important. This is why, when a marriage has come to its end and you aren’t sure when you want to divorce, you may ask: Is it ever okay to divorce around the holidays? Because divorce is already a high-tension area and the holidays can sometimes be stressful…

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Paying for Divorce – Can a Wife Make Her Husband Pay?

When it comes to paying for divorce, some spouses do not have the means. As a general rule, nobody can be forced to pay for divorce. If somebody does not willingly support you during a time of divorce, you could speak with a judge about issuing an order so that you can have assistance during…

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Ensuring That You Do Not Abuse the Order of Protection

When you file an order of protection against somebody, you are usually looking for some type of protection from another party. Many people claim that a piece of paper is not enough to protect them, but others feel that this is the safety that will keep an abuser away. When you are going through divorce…

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Has Your Spouse Been Denying That Domestic Violence Has Occurred?

Perhaps you have been dealing with the effects of domestic violence for quite some time now. Maybe you told somebody that you could trust about the violence and asked for advice, but they turned around and your spouse denied it. Denying abuse is a popular tactic because no abuser wants to admit what is actually…

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We Want to Split Child Custody Evenly With One Another

Most custody battles are called battles because you’re fighting for time with your child. Some parents don’t agree to a schedule with one another and have animosity toward the situation, which is where the court interferes. If you and your ex-spouse agreed that you want to split the time evenly with your child, you may…

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How do You Protect Your Credit During a Divorce?

When you are going through divorce, you may think of many important aspects in your life, from child custody determinations to how you will divide assets with your spouse. But did you think of every important aspect in your life? What about your credit? Many people forget how divorce can affect their credit, which is…

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We Answer Some of Your Biggest Mediation Questions

As mediators who want you to have the best results in your case, we want to help you through the process from every aspect. You may have questions about mediation that have not been answered when you did prior research or talked to mediators yourself. We can answer these questions to help you understand your…

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Some Challenges You May Experience After Your Divorce

When you and your spouse receive a divorce, you may see it as a time to start fresh – and it is! However, there are also some challenges you may face that you would have never expected. You and your spouse may have sat down and come up with what you see as a “perfect…

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Division of Assets: Transmutation, Commingling, and More

When you are going through divorce and want to separate assets, there are many things you may have to consider and talk to with your attorney. There may be concepts you are not familiar with, such as appreciation of assets, transmutation of separate property, and commingling separate property. We can help you understand these assets…

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Mediation Myths: What You Absolutely Need to Know

At The Law Office of Soheila Azizi & Associates, we believe that mediation is sometimes the best way to resolve divorce matters, depending on the situation. Today we will look at a variety of myths that are sometimes visited when people are considering mediation, which may talk them out of the process. We want you…

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When Your Ex Badmouths You In Front of the Children

It is a common occurrence for a parent or parents to badmouth one another in front of their children, which adds stress to everyone’s lives. You may have heard accusations or had your spouse try to talk through your children to get back at you, which is an unreasonable measure that many parents take out…

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