How to Talk With Your Spouse About Collaborative Divorce

man and woman signing document with divorce or prenuptial agreemBefore talking with your spouse about entering a collaborative divorce, one should always understand what this type of divorce entitles. Collaborative divorce is known as a fairly new method of alternative dispute resolution as far as family law is concerned. It is a method where lawyers on both sides of the divorce process agree to assist the clients to resolve any and all conflicts. This is through the usage of cooperative techniques rather than other strategies of your typical litigations. The parties and their lawyers will often agree to enter into a “Participation Agreement,” which is where it is agreed that if a settlement is not reached together, the lawyers will then withdraw from the process and not participate in the ensuing litigation.

All that being said, how can one discuss options with the opposing side in a divorce and bring up the possibility of resolving issues collaboratively? Some may agree it is best to not have to deal with the divorce overall becoming a fight in court and that this may be an easier direction and process to take that suits their styles. Here are some following reasons why collaborative divorce may work for a couple and how it can be further discussed as an option:

Thinking About the Children

Collaborative Divorce will typically utilize a team of specialists, provided to the couple to help them get through this difficult time. Divorce Coaches and Child Specialists have special expertise in the area of child development and will be there for them emotionally throughout the process. The key is to help create an effective parenting plan that takes into account the developmental needs of the children involved. It also focuses on benefits for the parents in the future as they work together for their children. When it comes to collaborative divorce, both parents should realize that the needs of the children are the paramount thing considered and that this may work out best for a family.

Cost Saving

Collaborative Divorce utilizes the involvement of many professionals to guide a couple through the process of divorce. However, against what many expect, it does not mean it is a more costly process because of this. Collaborative divorce is usually roughly half the cost of the average litigated divorce because of the fact that Financial and Mental Health Professionals will streamline the process and allow the experts to do what they’re supposed to to help YOU.

Keeping Control and Privacy

In your typical court settlement, a judge who knows nothing about either of your lifestyles will be making decisions for you. Those decisions will live with you and your children the rest of your lives, so one must be very careful with deciding where to turn. Anything can and usually will be used as a weapon against you, and both sides need to be prepared for that. However, in Collaborative Divorce, your privacy remains maintained and only thing directly relevant to the divorce process will be discussed.

Furthermore, it allows family to stay out of court and retain privacy for both sides. This can reduce trauma, anxiety, and feelings of general humiliation that can be brought on by the process. You will retain control of the process completely and you craft the agreements with the help of the collaborative team. The result is generally greater, which makes both sides happy.

Talking to a spouse about collaborative divorce may be the best idea for you and your family. You may want to speak to an attorney at The Law Office of Soheila Azizi & Associates today to find out where you stand. Many options will give you many benefits, and you have to decide what is right for you and your family. Call and schedule you confidential consultation with one of Top Family Law Firms in the Inland Empire.

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