Long-Term Separation: What Are the Pros and Cons?

You may be considering divorce, but it’s not your only option. In some cases, married couples may take a longer break from one another before they go through the trials and tribulations of divorce. They may choose separation instead. Today we will talk about the pros and cons of long-term separation and what it could…

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Are There Requirements for Ending a Marriage in California?

In every state, there are qualifications that come into play when you are looking to end your marriage. In California, this is true as well. Whether you are going through a marriage or domestic partnership divorce and live in California, there are some things to remember involving residency requirements and filing documents. We can help.…

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The Pros and Cons Involved in Your Sole Custody Situation

To understand what is good and bad about a sole custody situation, you first need to understand what sole custody actually is. When a parent has “sole custody” of a child, they receive exclusive physical and legal custody rights in concerns to the child. These are very rare situations and only arise when one parent…

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What Are the Many Benefits of Legal Separation for Couples?

Legal separation agreements may be right for you if you are planning on living apart from your husband beyond a reasonable trial period. These agreements are binding between you and your ex-spouse so that you can resolve important issues like asset division, alimony, and child support. One of the main problems that people run into…

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