Helping You Understand How to Ask Your Spouse for Divorce

People talk about various aspects of divorce all the time – from distributing assets, to what will happen with your children and your home. But does anybody ever discuss the first step in the process: How you will ask your spouse for a divorce? Since this is a subject that you may not have thought about during your considerations, it is one that you will have to think about if you want to go through the divorce process. Now that you’ve decided you want a divorce and wonder how you should ask, we have some tips for you that you may find helpful.

Asking for a Divorce: Made Easy?

Being Honest With Yourself: You may have asked yourself if you truly want a divorce but ask yourself again. You want to get a divorce for all the right reasons, not just because you are angry and frustrated with them or want to have power and control over them. Be certain about your decision before you talk. 

Preparing for Divorce: How prepared is your spouse for the divorce talk? Has it been an idea you talked about before? Some couples prefer to talk to a counselor about these issues, especially if this is the first time they are brought to attention. 

Choosing the Right Time: Choose the right moment to talk to your spouse. You don’t want any interruptions, so make sure your children are at school or with a relative. Talk about it when you are most comfortable, not after a stressful time when tensions are high.

Avoiding the Details: You don’t have to talk about dividing assets and child custody right off the bat, because this just adds tension. These are subjects that will come up later once you have spoken to your attorney and understand what you want out of your divorce. Also, you and your spouse should never negotiate a settlement in person before speaking to an attorney, so remember not to discuss too many details at first.

Keeping Your Choices in Mind: The choices that you make before you start your divorce are extremely important. Remember to make the right choices for the most peaceful and cost-effective divorce in the long run.

We are here for you if you are seeking a divorce from your spouse. We understand that these moments can be difficult and trying, which is why you should speak to a divorce attorney as soon as possible to help you with the process. Call us for more information on how we can help.