Child Guardianship: Things You Need to Consider When You Choose

When you have children, you never expect for anything to happen that will threaten your ability to parent your child. But what happens if there is an accident or something prevents you from parenting to the best of your ability? You should always choose a guardian for your child for the future so that you…

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How do You Protect Your Credit During a Divorce?

When you are going through divorce, you may think of many important aspects in your life, from child custody determinations to how you will divide assets with your spouse. But did you think of every important aspect in your life? What about your credit? Many people forget how divorce can affect their credit, which is…

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Division of Assets: Transmutation, Commingling, and More

When you are going through divorce and want to separate assets, there are many things you may have to consider and talk to with your attorney. There may be concepts you are not familiar with, such as appreciation of assets, transmutation of separate property, and commingling separate property. We can help you understand these assets…

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Helping You Understand How to Ask Your Spouse for Divorce

People talk about various aspects of divorce all the time – from distributing assets, to what will happen with your children and your home. But does anybody ever discuss the first step in the process: How you will ask your spouse for a divorce? Since this is a subject that you may not have thought…

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Can You Prepare for Divorce While You Are Married?

Today we answer the age-old question: Yes, you can get prepared for divorce while you are still married. There are always some things for you to consider when you go through some large, changing times during your life – and divorce is one of them. By following some steps, you can ensure that you are…

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Are There Financial Considerations to be Made in Divorce?

When you are going through a divorce, it is especially important to consider all of your finances, as they are one of the most vital things in your life. Your financial standing in the future is of importance of us, which is why we want you to understand what considerations must be made and what…

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How is Debt Handled When You Are Going Through Divorce?

When you file for divorce, there may be many things you are thinking about: your children and custody matters, property, and assets. It is not very often that people think about their debts – however, it is important to understand your economic position in full before you leap into the meat and bones of divorce.…

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Distributing Assets During the Divorce Process

As you know from the moment you get married, the property that you own with your spouse during the marriage will typically be seen as “shared.” Yes, there are sometimes differences between what is considered “separate” and what is considered “marital” property in the eyes of the court. Typically, separate property will include any property…

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