Identifying the Stress of Divorce and Managing It

Divorce isn’t always an easy, cut and dry process. Sometimes, it can invite stress into your life with changes to your financial situation, an effect on your daily lifestyle, as well as drastic impacts on your children. With all the worry, it’s no wonder that many people develop stress in the midst of divorce. Today we will explain how you can identify stress and how you can get back to living your life stress-free (or close to it!)

Identifying Stress in Yourself and Your Children 

Stress is a physical and emotional disturbance that has a direct effect on your life. This pressure you experience can stem from external impacts from some of the most high-paced or devastating times in your life – and divorce is one of them. If you have been dealing with chronic stress after divorce, you may be experiencing a wide variety of symptoms. – from chest pain and high blood pressure, to fatigue, dizziness, headaches, feeling of a lump in your throat, weight loss or gain, clenched jaws, and more. You may also experience psychological signs like sadness, depression, isolation, worry, restless anxiety, and more.

Your children may also be struggling with stress and exhibit symptoms such as procrastination in homework, overreaction to situations in their lives, loss of temper, excessive tiredness, taking out aggression on others, feeling constantly overwhelmed, and being upset for days or weeks on end at any given time. Adults will experience stress differently than their teenagers, but there are ways to manage it.

Managing Stress 

Watching What You Eat: When you have gone through divorce, you may enter a stage known as the “divorce diet,” which can make you into a bit of an emotional eater. However, by being conscious, you can change many aspects of your stress around for the better. If you eat a diet rich in whole foods, you may feel less depressed, according to research.

Exercising: Working out can help you feel happy by increasing endorphins that trigger positive feelings after divorce. You may feel a lot calmer, too.

Communication: By talking to friends and family during this difficult time, you can learn how to cope. Moral support is the best thing you can have, especially when it is from those who are not toxic to your general well-being. You could also open up to a therapist, psychologist, or psychiatrist in your life. 

Sleep: When you don’t get enough sleep, stress will surely build. Have a good night’s sleep to help boost energy, memory, and your creativity.

If you are feeling stress after your divorce, this is normal and something that nearly everybody will experience from time to time. However, you don’t have to go it alone. And if you are just getting started on your divorce process or have questions relating to divorce, call us to help you manage these aspects of your life and get back on track. We can help.