If Your Spouse Has Been Lying in Your Divorce Case

When you are going through a divorce case with your spouse, you must always tell the truth. When you sign certain forms in your divorce, you are taking an oath. Lying under oath constitutes perjury. It is frustrating when you and your attorney know that your spouse is lying about certain aspects of your divorce and you can’t do anything about it. But what if you believe you have evidence that will show that your spouse has lied?

Proof of Your Spouse’s Lies 

divorce caseWhat happens if your spouse has lied during any part of the divorce process and you have proof? How do you come forward with it? Sometimes, one simple lie won’t change a lot and you and your spouse may be able to move past it – but what happens if they have a history of being arrogant, narcissistic, or bitter? You must always report the lies to the judge, especially when they will have a huge impact on your case. When perjury in court occurs, the judge could take extreme action to protect your rights, such as penalizing your spouse by putting them in contempt of court or ordering them to pay fines for their actions.

There are many lies that take place. Perhaps your spouse has claimed that they care for your child every other day, when in reality they haven’t seen them in weeks. In other cases, a spouse may try to avoid child support payments by reducing their income so that the judge will reduce the amount, which usually doesn’t work out in their favor.

What happens if you discover that your spouse has lied and it influenced your mediation or court hearing, but now the divorce matters are complete? Can you take action against them? Of course you have the right to return to court if you have proof of a detrimental lie. Sometimes the court will work with you to ‘balance the scales,’ so to speak, which means that they will try to make it up to you in some other way even if the damage is done. This could also lead to penalties.

Are you going through divorce but you believe that your spouse has been lying about certain aspects? At the Law Office of Soheila Azizi & Associates, we can help you in every aspect of your case. We want you to get the results you deserve in divorce, so give us a call today.