What is the Difference Between Private and Court-Ordered Mediation?

A woman talking to a couple and holding a clipboardMediation is a type of dispute resolution in the face of divorce that involves many aspects but may be right for you! For mediation to work, there are many factors that you may think about. For instance, did your attorneys request mediation because they feel as if it can be productive for you? Do they believe that, based on the many aspects of your case, mediation will help you two talk about the major issues in your divorce to come to a conclusion? These are important matters that may mean a lot to you in the face of divorce. There are two different kinds of mediation, though: private and court-ordered. What are the differences between the two?

Understanding the Differences 

Private Mediation: In these cases, you are volunteering to sit with your spouse to find a resolution for your marital issues. Many couples will decide to take this option instead of going to court over a divorce because it saves them money and reduces the anger they may feel in the courtroom. If you settle upon all of your issues at this type of mediation, a divorce settlement agreement will be written up. Settling through this process is great because the divorce will be uncontested, making life easier for you and your spouse.

Court-Ordered Mediation: This mediation starts when the divorce is already in progress. It is usually used for many emotionally charged topics such as custody and property matters. Because it is required, a pro is that you will usually not have to pay a fee to attend.

The truth is, you are more likely to have better results from private mediation because it is more tailored to you. This helps you go in with a better mindset toward the issues at hand. However, with court-ordered mediation, you will pay very little so it is not a waste of your money if you do not get the results you wished for. As you can see, there are many pros and cons of each. This is why it is important to speak to an attorney who understands the many laws regarding mediation and has experience in a variety of cases. Call us today for more.