Parent Seeking Relocation: What Measures Can Be Taken?

Perhaps your custody situation was never exactly what you wanted it to be. Enter a new issue: a parent seeking relocation, perhaps even out of the state. When this occurs, a parent and child are expected to have long-distance relationships with one another, and not everyone might be on-board with this. Today we will discuss the many rules that come into play when you are considering relocation.

Requirements For Relocation

parent seeking relocationExpress Consent: What if one parent gives complete consent when it comes to parental relocation? Express consent can be added to the child custody plan if one parent is completely fine with the parent relocating.

Notice and Consent: In other cases, a parent has to give written consent if they are intending to move somewhere else in a certain period of time. From there, the other parent can ‘okay’ the move or it can be handled by the court. 

Distance: The judge in your case might allow a move if it is within a certain distance away. If a parent is planning to move across state lines, the court might be less likely to approve it.

Good Faith: Sometimes, the courts need a “good faith” reason to move, such as going to a better school opportunity or gaining social stability. Perhaps there is a better cost of living in that area or the child will be around more of their relatives. 

Visitation Schedules: The parent who wants to move will need to make a visitation schedule that is approved by the court and is fair to the other parent. Perhaps you will do virtual visitation or the other parent will sometimes have the child for holidays and more.

As you can see, there are many elements that must be decided when it comes to your relocation matters. These are a very important part of your custody case and we would like to help you along the way. Call us today at the Law Office of Soheila Azizi & Associates for more information on how we can help.