What if Medical Malpractice Left me Permanently Disabled?

Though these types of cases are usually rarer, some medical malpractice cases begin because a patient has been permanently disabled by somebody who they trusted. Many of these cases happen for a variety of reasons, including the mislabeling of a prescription drug, to severe surgical errors. When you have been left with a permanent disability due to medical malpractice, you may wonder what options you have, as this can leave your livelihood up in the air and you may feel lost for options.

Every state handles these claims very differently from one another, with you having to file your claim within months to a year to meet the statute of limitations. In many cases, an expert will be introduced to give testimony that could be beneficial to you, and cause you to receive the damages you deserve. The thought of being permanently disabled by the hands of someone you trusted can be a nightmare scenario, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen and that you shouldn’t be prepared. When you have been left permanently disabled, some of your fears could be confirmed: from not being able to attend work, to losing out on time with your children doing the things that you could once do before.

Seeking Compensation 

As with any medical malpractice case, you probably want to seek damages for the havoc that the injury has caused for your day-to-day lifestyle. You have that right, whether you received the most debilitating diagnosis or just minor damages. Damages in medical malpractice cases are divided as such:

Special Damages: Special damages are those that can be quantified, such as medical bills and lost wages because there is a set number for them. These are wages that you have lost in the past that you would like to receive compensation for, because your injury stopped you from working. 

General Damages: These damages, however, are not quantified as easily. This can include pain and suffering, which are usually damages that are quite high when you have sustained a debilitating, permanent injury. You may have experienced a diminished quality of life due to your serious injury, and this is where these damages come in.

If you have sustained a permanent disability due to a medical malpractice accident, you may need our help. We have the experience to handle your case and help you get the damages you deserve for your injury. Call us today for more.