Gaining Understanding on Equal Pay for Women and Men

istock-588266018Today we will help you understand why equal pay is important to women and men in the workplace, a very important matter that has gripped the nation in recent times. Statistics show that women who work full time year round are only paid 80 cents for every dollar given to men, a practice that is known as the “wage gap.” This means that women could lose as much as $10,000 a year while their male counterparts make that money. For women of color, statistics are showing that the gap is significantly wider.

Employees must legally be kept free from workplace discrimination, which means their compensation as well. In fact, men and women’s compensation is protected under several federal laws, including the Equal Pay Act. Laws state that any payments made to employees during employment including salary, overtime, bonus plans, and life insurance are covered.

Understanding the Equal Pay Act 

Under the Equal Pay Act, men and women can feel safe about their pay because this act demands that they are given equal pay for work in the same establishment. The EPA states that employers are not permitted to pay unequal wages to men and women who perform almost the same job in skill, effort, and responsibility. Here are some of these working conditions summarized:

Skill: This is a person’s experience, ability, education, and training that is required to perform the job at hand. Sometimes the person’s degree gives no weight to whether or not a person’s job is equal to another. 

Effort: This is the physical and mental exhaustion that it takes to perform the job. If a person is putting in more effort with their job because it is designed a bit differently, they may be paid differently as well.

Responsibility: This is the degree of accountability it takes to perform the job. 

Working Conditions: These are the conditions in which a worker is told to work, such as their physical surroundings and the hazards they may run into.

As a woman, you are entitled to equal pay as your male counterparts in the workplace. Many factors are considered, but the fact remains the same: You have rights, which you should understand from all angles. This month we celebrated Equal Pay Day and we are hoping to make strides in the future.