Making Peace With Conflict

My Holiday “Recipe” For Making Peace With Conflict

Using Conflict As A Stepping Stone, Not A Stumbling Block!

nineonine dec 2013Conflicts have become inevitable facts of life in today’s society. Instead of denying, suppressing or resorting to anger, learning about ways to handle conflict can empower us. I hope you will explore this subject further and learn to challenge and manage the conflicting forces of your lives. Use the recipe with an open mind to maximize its transformative power, and you will be amazed by the paradigm shift it creates! May you enjoy a positive perspective on life as we embark upon this New Year.
Conflicts arise when people cannot reconcile differing perspectives, interests or intended outcomes. Understanding the source and nature of conflict can help parties find ways to deal with it effectively.

“Relationship conflicts,” for example, are often due to strong negative emotions, misperceptions or poor communication. Practicing constructive communication in a safe and balanced setting helps move parties from their reactive stance. Assessing accurate information often helps with cases of “data conflicts.” The reasonable solution to “interest conflicts” often takes a collaborative effort to explore, understand and maximize the underlying interests and positive intentions.

Our history is premised on a myth that the best way to get the truth is to have polarized oppositions presented in a setting similar to wild west. The war like attitude underlying our system of justice has compelled us to look for alternatives to the process of court conflicts. In fact, more than 95% of cases filed in courts are negotiated to settlement, dismissed or withdrawn, but only after much time and money. So, before allowing conflict to consume your energy in court, free yourself by learning to understand and work through it. I am confident, that with the help of the right conflict resolution professional, you can change your perception of conflict as a stumbling block and enjoy the learning associated with turning it into a stepping stone.