Some of the Biggest Custody Issues We See in Courts Today

Some custody issues are more common than others in the U.S. As an attorney who practices family law, we see a variety of custody issues come to light and we want to help you get the best results in your case. Here’s a look at some of the most common custody issues we hear in…

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Do Stepparents and Legal Parents Have the Same Amount of Rights?

In the past, two parents, both biological, would have rights over a child. Nobody else would be able to interfere with this. However, over the years many things have changed, and now you see a variety of cases where other parties are gaining rights over a child. One of these parties is stepparents, who play…

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If I Have Sole Custody, Can I Relocate Without Any Problem?

Sole custody grants you many rights, such as having physical custody of your child and making all major decisions on their behalf from a legal custody standpoint. However, if you have sole custody, can you relocate anywhere you want with your child? This is a question that some parents ask when they want to move…

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