How to Stay Safe From Domestic Violence During Divorce

Domestic violence is a very serious thing to keep in mind when going through a divorce, male or female. According to the Department of Justice, 14% of all homicides in the United States were perpetrated by an intimate partner. In 2007, there was a total of 2,340 – 1,640 of those being women, and 700…

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What are Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders?

When a police officer answers a domestic violence call, they have the option of calling a judge at any time of the day or night for an emergency protective order also known as an EPO against the abuser. An EPO is a type of restraining order that only can be ordered by the law enforcement.…

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What do Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders Prevent?

Domestic violence is already a devastating situation to go through and having to place a restraining order on top of everything that is going on can be difficult. The entire process can be time consuming, but the end result will be gratifying for the ones that are involved. When dealing with this type of problem,…

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