We Answer Some of Your Biggest Mediation Questions

As mediators who want you to have the best results in your case, we want to help you through the process from every aspect. You may have questions about mediation that have not been answered when you did prior research or talked to mediators yourself. We can answer these questions to help you understand your…

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California Mediation When You Are in an Abusive Relationship

If you are looking at mediation as a divorce option, you may already know the pros and cons of such. Mediation is one of the best ways to help divorcing parties work through their conflicts and resolve some of the biggest issues. The mediator is responsible for providing a neutral, safe environment for such. However,…

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Help: If I am a Grandparent, Can I Adopt my Grandchild?

If you are the grandparent of a grandchild you love and the child’s parents are not involved in the child’s life or are incapacitated, you may wonder what options you have. It is not unheard of for a grandparent to intervene when they believe that they can have a positive impact on their grandchild’s life…

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What Should I Know About How Child Support Modification Works?

Circumstances change, and decisions are questioned. This is why, sometimes, you may need to change a child support order after it is put in place. You should always know that you have the chance to have your case heard to change your order. A judge can approve an agreement or a change based on what…

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How do Grandparents Obtain Guardianship of a Child?

Custody and guardianship determinations are made by the court based on the particular needs of a family. Sometimes, they will look directly at the safety of the child, such as the actions of the parents and if the children have been removed from their parent’s home. Sometimes they may look at permanency factors because the…

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