What Are the Most Common Types of Medical Malpractice Cases?

Judges gavel and a stethoscope in a conceptual imageMedical malpractice cases unfortunately happen all the time, bringing injuries and sometimes even fatalities with them. In a medical malpractice case, a healthcare professional breached their duty to a patient. Depending on the severe circumstances, you may have a case when you have been injured by a professional. Today we will share some of the most common types of medical malpractice with you and what makes them so serious in nature.

Medical Malpractice Cases

Misdiagnosis: When your diagnosis is delayed or completely missed by healthcare professionals, you could go on without necessary treatment, which could lead to further problems. Lack of these treatment opportunities could even lead to death in the most serious cases. With misdiagnosis, you could be prescribed medicine that is not appropriate for you and will instead cause you harm. If a competent doctor would not have made the mistake your doctor did, then you could have a case.

Childbirth Injuries: The birth process and pregnancy can sometimes be complicated, which could lead to injuries to you and your child. Your fetus could receive brain injuries, fractured bones, and much more. If a doctor’s negligence caused these issues, then you may have a claim of medical malpractice. This is why medical professionals must exercise a high duty of care during the pregnancy when they are treating you, as well as during the birth process.

Medication Errors: These errors happen every year and cause many complications for those involved. You may have been administered the wrong drug altogether or taken a drug that interacts harmfully with another drug. If this occurs, you may have a case.

Errors in Surgery: Surgeons can also be negligent by puncturing an organ, operating on the wrong body part, or leaving surgical equipment inside the body during surgery.

Because medical malpractice cases are usually very serious, you need an experienced attorney on your side. As soon as your injury is discovered, you should not delay. Contact us for useful information that you can use when dealing with your claim.